Omuyimbi Moses Ssali amanyikiddwa nga Bebe Cool alangiridde nga bwayimiriza okuyimba mu kivvulu kyona okumala ebbanga eritali ggere.

Bebe Cool atemera mu gy’obukulu 41, sabiti ewedde ku Lunnaku olwokutaano, embeera yamutabukira bwe yali ku kivvulu e Lugogo nga Swangz Avenue, bajjaguza okuweza emyaka 10 mu kisaawe ky’okuyimba, abawagizi abali bayimba, “People Power, Our Power” bamukuba amaccupa, amayinja n’obutebe era bamulemesa okuyimba, ekyawaliriza abakola ku byokwerinda okumuggya ku siteegi, okumutangira okumutusaako obulabe.

Wabula agamba nti, asobodde okuyimba emyaka egisuuka 20, asobodde okutumbula talenti, okuzimba eggwanga lyabwe n’okulabirira abantu.

Bebe Cool, agamba nti embeera gye bamutusizaako, ayimiriza okuyimba okusobola okwekuuma, famire ye, mikwano gye n’abawagizi be.

Mungeri y’emu akubiriza abantu bonna mu ggwanga lino, okwagala eggwanga lyabwe, okusinga okutekawo embeera eyinza okaabya abantu amaziga.

Bebe Cool ne Pulezidenti Museveni
Bebe Cool ne Pulezidenti Museveni

Ku face Book, Bebe Cool bwati bwasobodde okutegeza ku nsonga eyo “My name is Moses Bebe Cool Ssali, a Ugandan by birth, a muganda, a muslim, a father, a husband, a brother, a son and a friend to many. I have been in the music business for more than 20 years now and i am proud to say that i have made a great contribution to the development of the Ugandan, East African & African entertainment industry. It gives me great pride to witness several young musicians, comedians, instrumentalists and promoters make a fine living in this entertainment industry. In this same industry, i have built a life for myself, my family, friends and many dependants.The current fruits from this industry would not have existed if Uganda did not have peace, freedom, tranquillity and tolerance for each others’ religious, political and cultural beliefs.

For the last few weeks, i had chosen silence as a means to exercise my tolerance for the political events that are currently transpiring in the country. Unfortunately, while at a performance last Friday, i was pelted with bottles and stones by a group of people purportedly because i do not subscribe to their political beliefs.

For the safety of myself, family, friends and fans, i regrettably would like to announce that i will not be making any public performances until further notice. My prayer is that the current situation in our beloved country doesn’t deteriorate into an unfortunate state. For God and my Country”.