City slay queen Sheila Gashumba has taken her life to another level. With a few dollars popping out of robber boyfriend’s pockets, the pencil thin TV host thinks she has made in life.

According to the latest info on our desk, Sheila Gashumba wants everyone who uses her photos to pay money something Muchachos and Eventix failed to abide to.

According to a close source, Sheila has filed a case against Muchachos and eventix the organisers of “Sunday Funday” theme night at Parliament Avenue Laparonis.

The two are reportedly accused of using Sheila Gashumba’s image to market their business without her permission something she doesnot agree with.

Sheila Gashumba’s photos taken at Laparonis that are causing the uproar were posted on these entities’ respective social media platforms days ago but were since deleted since the threats to sue emerged.