It seems like controversial man of God prophet Elvis Mbonye will never run out of mind boggling statements every time his given an opportunity to do live TV interviews.

Prophet Elvis Mbonye has claimed he knows the outcome of the upcoming elections

After sensationally claiming that he knew a thing or two about the coronavirus pandemic way before the disease became a problem in Africa, the self styled man of God is once again back in the news for his usual antics.

Prophet Elvis Mbonye

Sitting down with renown NBS TV interviewer Kayz ‘Omukalakazi’, Mbonye was asked if he knew the outcome of the upcoming general elections and if that was the case who would be the overall winners after 2021

The flamboyant man of God already knows who will be president

Known for being tactical and hesitant in his responses Mbonye said he knew everything about the elections but just didn’t want to make some people cry before the main event

Prophet Elvis Mbonye has claimed he knows the outcome of the upcoming elections

”I had a vision from God about the elections. I already know what is going to happen but i just don’t want to cause panic and heart breaks and to some people” Prophet Elvis Mbonye said when he was asked about the outcomes of the upcoming scientific elections.

When the flamboyant man of God was asked to elucidate on claims that he went to heaven and had a friendly conversation with Jesus, Mbonye said that visiting Heaven is now a life style to him and not just a one off like people think