Busabala: 9-year-old pupil drowns after he goes swimming with little sister

A 9-year-old pupil of Busabala Primary School and a resident of Busabala-Kazi zone in Makindye-Ssabagabo has drowned. The incident happened at the shores of Lake Victoria.

The deceased has been identified as Moses Kusasira.

Kusasira is said to have gone missing with his 6-year-old sister, Joy Angel Namanya, who is also a pupil of the same school.

However, he drowned during their swimming activity.

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Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire confirmed the incident.

“The Kibiri Police Station registered a case of suspected drowning, which is now being investigated under the designation. The scene of the incident was visited, examined, documented, and sketched by the Scene of Crime Officer (SOCO). The body of the deceased has been transported to the city mortuary for autopsy, while Joy Angel Namanya, the survivor, has been taken to Mulago Hospital for further medical treatment,” Owoyesigyire said in a statement.

According to Owoyesigyire, statements have been recorded from relevant witnesses, including the biological father of the deceased.

“Ongoing inquiries are being conducted to gather additional information related to this incident,” he said.

He appealed to the public, especially parents and guardians, to be cautious when children engage in water-related activities and to ensure their safety by providing proper supervision.