#7 Forward Lunges

So this is a simple exercise that will take a few minutes out of your day, but consistently done, can do wonders to your body. Your thighs, buttocks, and calf muscles will burn and thank you later for such a refreshing and nice workout. To start off, do not use dumbbells like pictured above but simply put your hands on your waist and do a lunge motion forward. Hold it for a second, and then go back to neutral position. Repeat 15-20 times or however many you would like, and you’ll begin to feel the burn! Too easy for you? Then I would suggest added 5-10 pound dumbbells in each hand and you’ll see how much a few pounds will change the way of your workout and how much extra work it is!

#6 Kickback-Squat


So this one is pretty challenging, but you’ll get great results out of this. Simply get in the position of squatting as demonstrated above, then when you reach the top, extend arms and lift one leg in a straight line and hold for a few seconds. Repeat this as many times both sides, starting with the left, then rotating to the next leg after the number of reps goal you set is reached!

#5 Toe-Taps

This exercise can be done when you get out of bed, or right before you are about to sleep! All you have to do is lay on the ground, put your legs like the left one pictured, and slowly lower one leg at a time barely touching the ground with your big toe. Simply do that and slowly raise your leg back to starting position, and get ready to feel the burn in your buttocks!

#4 Hip-Lift Progression


This exercise is perfect if you want to tone your buttocks. Similar to the exercise above, when you reach the top of the position, raise one leg slowly for two seconds, then drop it slowly to the starting position, go back down to resting position, and repeat with the other leg. Or you can focus on reps of just one leg, then take break, and move to the next, whichever you would prefer!

#3 Hip Bridge

This exercise can be done in a matter of minutes and it’ll really help out and tone your glutes. For this quick exercise, lay on carpet or a padded floor and keeping your upper back on the ground, raise your buttocks off the ground like pictured above, hold it for one or two seconds, and go back down. Repeat 15 times for one set, and do as many sets as you would like.

#2 Jump Squats

This isn’t exactly an exercise you can do at your workplace or in your skinny jeans, but sweats? You got it! Stand shoulder-width apart, arms at side, and go into a squat. Then, jump straight up with your arms pointed up towards the ceiling. When you land, go right back down to where you first were and repeat! Simple and quick and gets you active for toner quads and hamstrings.

#1 Chair Squats