MC Kats ali mu maziga oluvanyuma lwa babbi okumenya ennyumba ye ne batwala ebintu eby’enjawulo.

Kats agamba nti ababbi baamenye ennyumba akawungeezi k’olunnaku olw’eggulo ne batwala ebintu bye kyokka berabidde okutwala akawuuma akatereka vidiyo okuva ku kkamera za CCTV aka DVR.

Agamba nti omubbi mukwano gwe nnyo era abadde amutwala nga muganda we kyokka okumenya ennyumba, amuwadde essaawa 5 zokka okukomyawo ebyabiddwa oba okumutwala ku Poliisi.

Mu ngeri y’okusaaga, MC Kats atadde ‘Link’ ku face Book okulaga ensi omubbi kyokka ekyewunyisa ‘link‘ buli omu emutwala ku Face Book ye, ekiraga nti ayinza okuba yabadde mu muzannyo oba okusanyusaamu abagoberezi be ku Face Book, ““.

Ku Face Book, MC Kats agambye nti, “I would like to tell that person that came to my house yesterday afternoon, knowing that I was not there and stole almost everything, you forgot the DVR that records everything from all the cameras hidden around my place. Now I know who you are, and what hurts me the most is that I considered you a good person, like family! You have 5 hours to bring all my belongings to my house and repair the door, or I’ll put you in jail !!! Meanwhile, I’ll leave the link to your profile so that everyone knows who you are.!!! Everyone get a good look at this heartless right here,“.

Omwezi gunno ogwa December, Mc Kats abadde nnyo mu mawulire oluvanyuma lw’okulangirira nti alina akawuka akaleeta sirimu.