‘Bino Bwebiluma Abayaye’ is the new trending slogan in town and just like many other sweeping statements that have captured the attention of Ugandans in the past, this new catchy phrase is taking social media by storm.

Taking part in the new trending challenge many celebrities have been seen taking pictures of themselves holding out expensive valuables with the caption ”Bino Bwebiluma Abayaye”

Perhaps with little or nothing to show off to the bayaye, celebrated local rapper Racheal Ray also joined the band wagon and took pictures of herself in some what good looking Calvin Klein garments and then captioned them ”I’m here to say Hi sagala kulumya bayaye”

The pencil thin rapper immediately received praise from all the horny guys for putting on such a sexy and romantic appeal so different from the disturbing tomboy look at the start of her career

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below