Today morning the world woke to some really sad news. Pr. Augustine Yiga of Revival Church in Kawala was finally declared to be dead after battling a strange illness for quite  a long time.

Pastor Yiga who had been hospitalized in Nsambya Hospital for over 4 months was pronounced dead in the wee hours of Tuesday night.

His Kawala based ABS TV Management said: “We cannot believe that you are no longer with us. This is a tragedy for us, we will pray for you dear. Friend, mentor great pastor, rest in peace Pastor Yiga abizaayo Augustine”.

However more shocking than the death itself is the will that the controversial pastor allegedly  penned down before his demise.

Sources near the Kawala based church reveal that the man of God instructed his family members to burry him inside the church more so with a TV set airing out ABS programs

”It’s alleged that in will, he wanted to be buried inside the church but we don’t know if the family will honor his request” a source close to Yiga’s church revealed