Not so long ago celebrated man of Gad prophet Elvis Mbonye revealed to his beloved remnants that the newly elected president of the United states Joe Biden wouldn’t get a chance to be sworn in as the 46th president of the U.S.

At the time of his prophesy the associated press had already confirmed through the electoral college system that indeed Joe Biden would become the 46th president of America.

Despite winning with a land slide victory Prophet Mbonye came out and said that a person of Joe Biden’s character wouldn’t actually go on and become president.

Infact some of Mbonye’s staunch followers went on to post on social media trying to cement what their spiritual father had prophesied.

”I’m happy announce to you that Joe Biden won’t be president of any where. Prophet Elvis Mbonye said it on 7th January.He repeated it 2 weeks ago and he has said it again just wait for the news” a one Pearl Wendy bragged on twitter 2 weeks ago

However yesterday’s inauguration of Joe Biden meant that the 78 year old is now the 46th Potus and that automatically nullified Mbonye’s prophesy.