Kyaddaki Omuyimbi Spice Daina alangiridde nti ye ‘Number 1’ okuba n’abantu abangi ku mukutu ogwa Instagram era ye muyimbi asinga mu Uganda.
Spice agamba nti mu kiseera kino alina abagoberezi 1,100,000, “1.1m followers on Instagram. NO 1“.

Ng’omuntu omulala yenna agamba nti naye yatandika mpolampola kyokka mu kiseera kino ali ku ttoopu.
Agamba nti okubeera ku ntikko kyetaagisa okukola ebintu eby’enjawulo omuli okukola ennyo, kyetagisa ebiseera, obuguminkiriza, okukola ennyo emisana n’ekiro, abantu okuvuluga, okulemerako, olina okuba n’empisa, olina okwagala kyokola era singa obiteeka mu nkola, osobola okuba ekintu kyonna kyoyagala mu nsi singa wekwata Omutonzi.

Mu bigambo bye ku Instagram agambye nti, “She showed up , she was underestimated, she kept pushing, created her own stage without stepping on anyone and now she is sitting on the Top At her throne. Being at the top is a process by process. That takes a lot of hard work , time, patience , sleepless days and nights, , criticism,consistency, discipline, love above all doing you . BUT all in all REMEMBER you can be anything in this world . Just a few years ago it was just a dream and see where we are now #spicegadgets thank you so much . Looking forward to so many great achievements together forever , walking this journey has been the most amazing experience of my life. GOD ABOVE ALL“.

Mu kiseera kino Sheebah Kalungi alina abagoberezi 1,000,000 ku Instagram nga Spice amusiinga abantu 100,000.