During Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba’s pre-birthday bash at Lugogo Cricket Oval, over the weekend, music legend, Jose Chameleone, real names, Joseph Mayanja, spent over five minutes venting at National Unity Platform (NUP) disciples, who had threatened to teach him a lesson on social media for dining with the people they deem enemies.

Prior to the pompous bash, Chameleone revealed that a clique of NUP social media bullies had jammed his inbox with threats, warning him never to step in South Africa to perform if he continues rubbing shoulders with Sevo and the yellow bus passengers. But their threats didn’t serve purpose as Chamili vowed to take them on!

“I’m here to sing because of my friend Toyota. You all remember he gave me a Range Rover. Some of you were not happy. But I don’t care. I am here to sing because of Muhoozi. Tonyumiza Kamwokya Tumbavu! I make my choices. Some of you want to make decisions for me. I won’t accept that,” he bitterly said.

“Why mix politics with music all time. I no longer care about what you say because I won’t contest again. That chapter ended,” he added.

“Some people have been saying that I won’t sing in South Africa or any other places if I perform here at Muhoozi’s birthday, hmmm, no one can bully me. I will perform wherever I want,” he concluded.

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Before the rant, Chamili coolly stepped onto the stage, donning a brown Kaunda suit, black shades and a walking stick, swaggering like a real emperor as the likes of MC Kats and journalists filmed him. All eyes and cameras were on the music champ, whose successful music career spans two decades. When the crowd heard his voice roar; ‘Owakabi’, the just knew the party had just started!

Many fans were star-struck, with others chanting his name!

Watch as he steps o stage
