Allien Skin confirms Enkwacho Festival just days after bringing Freedom City to bended knees
There is no doubt that singer Allien Skin is the most trending musician in Uganda at the moment.

One would think that after bringing Freedom City down to it’s bended knees, Skin would go on and celebrate his milestone but that hasn’t been the case as the self styled Ghetto king is set to hold another concert dubbed the Enkwacho Festival.

Skin who prides himself in operating on a shoe string budget took to Instagram and alerted his fans of the main event soon happening

“Guys Guys , The Main Event is Loading 🌿 Enkwacho festival Wuhuhu #nkwachofestival” Allien Skin
Skin confirms Enkwacho Festival just days after bringing Freedom City to bended knees

The Maverick is a seasoned Journalist and writer currently working for Galaxy FM. Connect with him on Social Media using the links below