Over the past few years, Latin dancer Valentino R. Kabenge has been involved in several performing arts projects focusing on inclusion.

His passion and dedication to working with people living with disabilities has been evident through the years with Unseen Dreams Dance Arts Festival and more recently working with Rogers Bisereko whose story is central to this documentary “Coming back to Dance”.

The documentary premiered with a private screening at the British Council and the British High Commissioner, Kate Airey as the Chief Guest. Kate Airey applauded the journey Rogers has taken, noting how tough life is for those with disability to sustain themselves, grow and prosper.

The British Council were delighted to host different organisations dealing with inclusion at the event in celebration of the International Day for Persons living with Disability 2023.
Accompanying the documentary were performances from Unseen Dreams, Trojans and Dance with Valentino featuring Rogers and Daniel Kawesa.

“Coming back to Dance”

Produced by ValRich Arts and Nes Motion Media, “Coming back to Dance” is a unique and inspiring account of a vibrant, funny and talented young dancer in his prime. Rogers faced a tragic incident that paralysed him from the waist down. His 5-year journey, stricken by the loss of his dreams, his friends, and his livelihood is an honest and open-hearted reflection: one where he accepts, transforms and transcends his disability into abilities he could never have dreamt of.

This documentary is scheduled to have different screenings in schools, theatres, and in community settings across Uganda starting January 2024. Rogers, now a wheelchair dancer, uses his status to raise awareness through his story of hope and redemption.

He is keen to be an ambassador, a role model, a mentor for those who find themselves facing the stigma and lack of appreciation of their potential.

The inspiring story of Rogers Bisereko , a vibrant, fun-loving and talented young dancer at the height of his career who, was unexpectedly paralysed from the waist down. His heroic and open hearted account of his journey to hell and back is very touching and a triumph of the human spirit over what most people would find too challenging to overcome. Rogers lost his first love, dance; his friends; his livelihood and even his sanity and this documentary is about his journey back to dance, to having purpose in his life again.’