Court Martial, under the watchful eye of Lt Col George Achaya, has slapped a hefty 30-year prison sentence on two civilians from Makindu village in Butungama Sub-county, Ntoroko district.

Basara Peter (26) and Gideon Mugisa (31) faced charges ranging from unlawful possession of firearms to attempted murder and aggravated robbery.

The duo, standing tall before the stern Mountain Division Court Martial, vehemently denied all charges brought against them. However, the prosecution brought forth a compelling case, revealing shocking details of a nightmarish incident that unfolded on September 19, 2022, at 11:00 pm.

Court records exposed that Peter and Mugisa allegedly shot and injured Mutegeki Timothy, also robbing him of a staggering sum of Two million eight hundred thousand shillings (Shs 2,800,000).

The courtroom drama intensified as five eyewitnesses took the stand, positively identifying the accused during an electrifying identification parade.

Major Bilal Katamba, the spokesperson for UPDF Mountain Division/Operation Shujaa, revealed that the court delivered a crushing blow with sentences of 7 years, 20 years, and a whopping 30 years for the charges of unlawful possession of firearms, attempted murder, and aggravated robbery, respectively.

These formidable sentences are to be served concurrently at the Katoju Government Prison.