Claud Heavy, real name Claud Frank, is a Ugandan Brand Influencer, Content Creator, and Fashion Model, known for his creative TikTok challenge creations… but now he has fully joined the music industry.

Born in Fort Portal, Claud Heavy is casting his net beyond TikTok and fashion, banking on ‘Wekwasa’- a mid-temple love song to introduce him to music lovers.

Speaking about the Wekwasa visuals immaculately shot by Pipos Ark Films, I almost came close to falling for this video, the clean shots could blind you. You get in, see this siren of a vixen, and are impressed.

This video is beyond love, it is also a promise to a new lover that they can transcend the faults and mistakes of past lovers.

The costuming is well-thought out. Whatever the case, the video is unlike a number we have seen this year. Let us not over read into the meaning.

Watch Wekwasa visuals below;