Picture this: Bebe Cool walking by himself in a place we can’t truly understand. Then, a beauty appears out of nowhere, and that’s when they cue in the music.

No, that’s not the video of Circumference. It’s just something that looks like his mega-hit Love You Everyday. But there are parallels here: the 2014 song came out with Bebe Cool appearing out of nowhere, and there was a girl.
However, in the Circumference video, shot in South Africa, Bebe Cool portrays some sort of homeless man walking about in a nowhere place during a sunset.
He’s moving with an empty cart and somehow comes across a yellow View-Master—you know, those binocular-like toys with reels?
It’s when he looks through it that the video gets interesting, as slides of beautiful women draped in white outfits pop up.
It’s a bit symbolic that the woman in Bebe Cool’s lyrics mostly exists in his mind. Probably a way of telling viewers she’s really out of this world.
Then, Bebe Cool is later teleported to this world with the women, and we see much of this play out in the song.
Directed by Garrick Williams, the video offers stunning visuals and sharp editing that meet expectations.
Williams is an experienced videographer who has worked on the global music scene for more than 25 years.
In Africa, he has worked with some of the continent’s best artists, while globally, he’s known as the man responsible for 50 Cent’s iconic bullet-shattered glass portrait. Thus, what he brought to the table was experience and simple yet impactful ideas.

Circumference takes place in two locations: the nowhere place with electricity towers and the studio set with girls dancing.
That’s basically all, and yet, with just two sets, the video manages to grab the viewer’s attention.
With tight choreography and costuming, Bebe Cool’s team has put together a memorable video—striking visuals with the right X factor.
There’s something about the girls covered in white clothes that stays with the viewer’s mind: a simple concept, yet one with identity, something most African visuals lack.
Much of the video maintains a standard aspect ratio, though the rounded edges mimic those of a View-Master. Watching the video, therefore, feels like seeing it through those small binoculars.
Watch the video below;
Enock Mugabi aka iWitness is a Journalist, Seasoned Writer and Music Analyst with a passion for sports.
Connect with him on social media using the links below in bio.