The home of outspoken government mouth piece, Mr Ofwono Opondo was yesterday evening raided by yet to be identified assailants.

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Opondo was appearing on NBS Frontline talk show on Thursday night when he received information that his family, back in Mukono, was under attack.

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Speaking a local media house Ofwono revealed that the machete wielding individuals had gained access to his bedroom and compound before police were immediately alerted.

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”It was at around 8:30 pm when Ofwono Opondo’ daughter called me informing that they were under attack by unknown people, I rang the IGP and DPC of Mukono for rescue. My people were put at ransom, my ward rope was cut  searching for me and they also went with  6 million. my Security guards went on leave a Month ago” the eloquent government spokes person said

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Ofwono believes the attack could be from the opposition’s plan B wanting to spay fear and intimidation to Government officials who are challenging on the public plat form.
