Anne Tendo is an experienced Lawyer with a demonstrated history of working in the non-profit organization management industry. Skilled in Public Speaking, Research, Management, Teamwork, and Leadership.

It is not new for us to honor those that have done acts of grandeur, attained insurmountable achievements, or those that have been good to us in one way or the other. In the global arena, this has sometimes taken the form of the Nobel Peace Prize, knighthoods, titles of honor, certificates of recognition, and in the family space; simple gifts and parties of recognition.

However, when it comes to religious and spiritual matters, the bar seems to be a little different. Time and time again, individuals have posed this one question every 1st of September since 2017; Why do Christians honor a ‘mere man’? This is because every 1st September, since 2017, the followers of one Prophet Elvis Mbonye in Uganda organize a glamorous ceremony to honor him. The ceremony is always filled with pomp, glamour, and loads of entertainment to celebrate Prophet Elvis Mbonye.

For a very long time, the church has relegated acts of honor to the worldly spheres and settled for false humility; thinking and believing that it is self-seeking for a spiritual leader to be honored by those of his fold, inadvertently justifying the saying that a prophet is without honor in his hometown.

However, over the years, the Prophet has established a track record of fulfilled prophecies, unlike any other prophet that has walked the earth. In videos that are played during his weekly broadcasts across the continent, Prophet Elvis is shown to have prophesied the rise and fall of different leaders across the world, some of whom were regarded as strongholds that would not leave power any time soon, like Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, and even Theresa May who had just taken over as Britain’s Prime Minister.

It is also illustrated that the Prophet foresaw the chopper crashes in August 2012 and made several efforts to warn the responsible authorities against the mission. However, his warnings were brushed off as mere mumbo jumbo and the result was deadly crashes.

What are the nations and the church meant to do with such a man, one that can establish or uproot leaders across the globe, preserve lives as was the case with floods in the Southern part of England, and a stray asteroid in 2016 that even NASA’s satellites had missed – all these being natural elements with no hand of man in them.
To the politicians of our day, my question to you is – what will you do with a man able to see the future, appoint and uproot individuals from office? Does heaven have an agenda it is establishing through this man that you have a role to play in?

In his letter to the politicians in 2020, warns the politicians against giving God lip service while manipulating a time of crisis to impose oppressive restrictions on places of worship through connivance with some clergy that has been infected by dirty politics. He signs off with a warning that politicians can ignore God, but they cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring God. Perhaps Uganda’s politicians could honor Prophet Elvis this year by heeding his warnings in his 2020 letter to them and reopen places of worship.

To his believers, Prophet Elvis is taken as an enigma; a man that has put many lives back on track preserved many and established prosperity in the church. Each and every one of them has a story to tell about their journal with the prophet, insisting that ‘one with an experience is never at the mercy of one with an argument.’

A symbol of love, he is reckoned for never retaliating against many that have constantly negatively sought him out. It is for this reason that the remnants choose to follow unconventional norms, throwing away all manner of false humility and celebrating an anointing they have seen at work with great magnitude. If the world honors their own with pomp and grandiose ceremonies, why shouldn’t Christians honor their leaders with even better means?
Whereas many may believe that the pandemic and its restrictions will limit the hosting of an honor ceremony this year, 2021, will not be an exception. The celebrations will still go on and the occasion will be streamed live on the various social media platforms including the ministry’s Facebook page and website.