Omuyimbi Moses Ssali amanyikiddwa nga Bebe Cool alagidde bannamateeka be nga bakulembeddwamu Mr Sempala of KSMO okuggya mu kkooti emisango gyonna.

Bebe Cool abadde avunaana omusirikale Captain Namara okutomera emmotoka ye, nga bali mu paakingi ya Peer lounge, ebbaala eri mu bitundu bye Ntinda ekiro ku Lwomukaaga.

Kigambibwa mu kuwanyisiganya ebisongovu, Captain Namara yaggyayo emmundu ekika kya Pisito ekyaviirako Bebe Cool ne banne, okumukuba empi n’ebikonde.

Wabula Bebe Cool agamba nti nga batuuse ku Poliisi y’e Ntinda, Captain Namara gye yali atwaliddwa, waliwo abasirikale abaalumba Poliisi nga bakutte emmundu ne batwala Captain Namara ate ye ne batiisatiisa okumukuba amasasi.

Okuva sabiiti ewedde, Poliisi ebadde mu kunoonyereza okuzuula ekituufu n’okutwala omusango mu kkooti.

Luke Owoyesigyire, amyuka omwogezi wa Poliisi mu Kampala n’emirirwano, agamba nti Poliisi, yasobodde okufuna obutambi obulaga embeera yonna nga bwe yali, okuzuula ekituufu.

Mu kiseera nga Poliisi eyongedde amaanyi mu kunoonyereza, Bebe Cool asobodde okusonyiwa Captain Namara era agamba nti emirimu gye egy’okutambula ekiro ng’omuyimbi, alina okwenyigira mu kusonyiwa abantu.

Ku Poliisi, Captain Namara naye abadde alumiriza Bebe Cool ne basajja be okumukuba era mbu yabadde mu ddwaaliro ng’ali mu mbeera mbi.

Bebe Cool okuggyayo omusango ku Poliisi ne mu kkooti, kabonero akalaga nti naye yatidde okugenda mu kkooti okuwa obujjulizi.

Ate singa Captain Namara naye yagenze mu kkooti, Bebe Cool abadde alina okugenda mu maaso g’omulamuzi okwewozaako.

Kale ng’omusajja omukulu, Bebe Cool yalowoozezza ku bintu ebyenjawulo omuli n’omukwano gwa mukyala we Zuena Kirema, okusobola okusalawo okukaanya ne Captain Namara.

Bebe Cool ne Captain Namara

Ku Face Book, Bebe Cool agambye nti, “IN THE SPIRIT OF UBUNTU

I wish to inform the general public that this morning I met with Mr. Namara and we managed to talk about the incident that happened last Saturday in a parking lot.

Throughout the 27 years of my active music life, I have learnt that when you are wronged, it’s always good to quickly think about forgiveness most especially when there is a will from the other party who wronged you and vise versa, because one day you also seek for forgiveness when you wrong someone.

The last Ramadan, I fasted for only 5 days and for the rest of the fasting period, I performed my fidyah and Kaffara but one thing that came to my mind those five days was to forgive all those who wrong(ed) me.

For that matter, I called my lawyer Mr Sempala of KSMO and asked him to withdraw all my cases from all the different courts of law.

This gave me peace of heart and it’s from this background that I decided reconciliation with afande Namala is the best course of action.

And fortunately he(Namala) even had the same feeling.

It’s the spirit of UBUNTU.

Whatever happened at the parking lot was an accident and we both take responsibility for our reactions that led to an outburst that we believe was uncalled for.

Unfortunately both our jobs require us to be outside in the night and yet alot happens then.

We met and got to know each other and thanks to Allah we are both alive. I’m always open to reconciliation because its a major key to peace.

We fully regret the panic and inconvenience if any was caused to the public.

Thank you and good luck.”.

Ebirala ebifa mu ggwanga –