Q & A! Tears nearly roll as Prim says bye: Nimrod, Little Joe Speak out on working with beauty pageant-cum influential radio host
Not many may recall that before joining Galaxy FM, a media conglomerate, Prim (Asiimwe) was into pageantry.
Joining Galaxy FM (those many years ago) and signing out last month has had an impact on Prim herself, and her galaxy family.
Exactly, a month ago, Prim hosted her very last show, the Evening Rush, along with Nimrod and Little Joe.
The trio had a conversation with Gossip Queen, Flora.

Below is a Question Q and Answer A (taken from the conversation).
Flora: What did you just do?
Prim: Everything does come to an end at some point. Change at some point is inevitable and change is good. So, I believe the time is now.
Flora: What would you say are your experiences working with galaxy FM?
Prim: Life-changing, to say the least. Very enjoyable journey. I’ve had fan.

Flora: Where are you going?
Prim: To the streets (Street life).
Flora: What would you say were your best moments?
Q & A! Tears nearly roll as Prim says bye: Nimrod, Little Joe Speak out on working with beauty pageant-cum influential radio host
Prim: I cannot even pick out one (Because I have had very many best moments). You guys know how this place works. This place is like home. Its fan. It’s a good place to hang out. Even when you are working, you are having fun. It’s not like you are working. So, I have had very many best moments.
Flora: Worst moment/s?
Prim: Uncle Pio’s passing on was more than worst.
Flora: Describe your moment with Little Joe….
Prim: We clashed all the time. We fight but at the end of the day, we are a team and I could never have chosen a better team. We have done a lot of things together. We have won awards. We have had the best show in this country and its all love. I will miss everything about Little Joe.

Flora: How about with Nimord?
Prim: It’s the same thing. I love them both. Of course I have worked with Little Joe longer than I have worked with Nimrod. The bond is a bit different. I love both of them but differently. I love you Nimrod.
Flora: Nimrod and Little Joe, what will you miss the most about Prim?
Nimrod: She is amazing. If she isn’t around, you feel something is missing. When she is there, it’s fun, it’s enjoyable. She is amazing. : There was a time Prim got high. I won’t forget that night. That night, I didn’t sleep. The phone calls that came to me…Nimrod what did you do…Nimrod…It’s a moment I felt I had messed up. I was the one supposed to take good care of her but it slipped off my fingers.

Little Joe: Apart from being beautiful, she is intelligent. She knows what she wants and what to do. I first saw her as selfish with how she does her things, she is irreplaceable. She remains Prim. Her voice is unique and how she presents. You know your boundaries. Prim doesn’t want to talk about her family. Wearing make-up. I don’t like people who wear make-up. There was a time we faced off. Prim is a listener. One time we had a conversation. It was myself, Prim and Mary Luswata. We were talking about cars. I said, it’s okay to buy a car with fair fuel consumption for as long as it is comfortable and takes you wherever you want to go. Prim listened. Taswalu (Mary Luswata) bought a Benz…I loved the car Prim bought. Luswata didn’t just sell the Benz but gave it away because it wasn’t its price.

Q & A! Tears nearly roll as Prim says bye: Nimrod, Little Joe Speak out on working with beauty pageant-cum influential radio host
Prim (in response to Little Joe): I protect what I love most. There are a lot of things that I don’t want to talk about.
Flora: What do you say to the little ones who look up to you as a role model?
Prim: It’s a good thing that what I did out of fun could touch a soul or two. I am still Prim. They don’t have to stop looking at me as their role model.

Little Joe (to Prim): We are hopeful that one day you will come back…
Prim: Love radio. In life, you can never say never.
Q & A! Tears nearly roll as Prim says bye: Nimrod, Little Joe Speak out on working with beauty pageant-cum influential radio host
For full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVVbbVtm-ZI
Tune to Galaxy TV/FM or watch online via https://www.youtube.com/c/GALAXYTVEE