Rickman ‘awanise ebango’ to a point of burning all the bridges with ex-girlfriend, Sheilah Gashumba, barely a week after being fired from bonking role.

Sheilah made it known in a press release that she had relieved Rickman of his midnight duties, ending their four year relationship… and now the singer has also officially knifed her from being his Public Relations team!

“To my supporters, friends and family I would like to inform you that as of Monday, May 20, I will be parting ways with SG Music PR management. I would like to take this moment to thank my previous management for the opportunity, for believing in me and pushing my craft. It has been a pleasure working alongside them for the past 2 years,” the document issued by Rickman reads.

The singer, who was never welcomed or appreciated by Sheilah’s dad, Frank Gashumba, added that moving forward, he will be represented by his team of Trent music international.

The 28-year-old self-styled Lil Stunner is now worryingly close to Grenade Official, the same guy who allegedly smashed Rickman a glass which sliced his lips a few months ago.

Grenade has always bragged about feasting on Sheilah’s sweet bearded meat and now reports suggest that the pair sketched bonk plans and spent the weekend together at one of the night spots in Kampala. In one of the videos obtained by this website, the pair can be seen full of life, enjoying each other’s company with the likes of Abryanz and Fik Fameica, ku kiddo!

Watch the video below;