‘Tweni Tweni Waa’ has only just began but Diamond ex Zari Hassan has already been confounded by some earth-shattering news. Her son Raphael has come out as Kisiyaga lover in an Instagram story post he made sharing information about his hidden sexuality.

Zari’s second-born son Raphael Junior said on the post: ”I’m coming out.”

The young lad made a request to people not to judge him for who is he is but to accept him the way he is. His revelation has settled rumors which have swirled about his sexual orientation since June 2019 when gay Kenyan socialite exposed Raphael as gay after he allegedly sexually disrespected him.

 Zari’s son is gay, end of the discussion,” said Robettah.

 “How much?” I feel disrespected,” he added.

Raphael is one of the sons Zari sired with her first husband, the late Ivan Semwanga.  We don’t know how Zari is processing this news because we are not sure whether she was privy to the fact that her son was going to come out about his status, this has been kept secret for a very long time.

A question to ponder,  was her son’s gay status influenced by King Bae’s brother (Zari’s ex bonkmate), because King Bae’s brother was gay? We don’t know.Maybe we don’t need to worry a lot about how Zari feels and worry more about how Ugandans will take it.

Watch the space.