After receiving a mega share of humiliation on stage at Geosteady’s concert on Friday, MC Kats wants to teach Alien Skin a lesson he will live to tell his grand kids.

This website understands that Kats ran like a ghost to Jinja Road Police station and filed cyber harassment and assault cases against singer Alien Skin and his men after being dragged off the stage midway through Geosteady’s concert.

 According to the police references obtained by Kats, he accuses Alien Skin of cyber harassment and defamation, under reference SD REF: 80/08/09/2023.

Kats also took to his social media pages and roared; “Katti you will know who u messed with nze am danger,”

Full of swag and in high spirits, the Gang stormed the stage with one mission; to hook him off the stage as they never wanted him to have a sniff at the Fangone Forest honcho, Alien Skin. Well, they executed the plan to the letter!

According to video captured by our trusted team on ground, Mc Kats can be seen being dragged forcefully to leave the stage with seemingly an intent not to share the same podium with Alien Skin.