Perhaps after being disappointed by broke small boys like singer Bruno K, bootylicious NTV news anchor may have finally moved and changed his taste of men to a much wiser ,older, loaded group of dudes.


Known for being witty on the streets of twitter the eloquent journalist yesterday evening turned heads when she openly labeled Uganda media center boss Mr Ofwono Opondo a cute man after being impressed by his unique sense of style and well shaped body size

Faridah’s flattering comments came after ofwono had posted lovely pictures of himself telling his followers how he had miraculously lost 13 kgs courtesy of his disciplined work out routine


”My new look having dropped 13kgs from 79. I feel very light, have to work on body fitness” Ofowno Opondo posted


Having been impressed by ofwono’s new shape Faridah quickly commented with a flattering compliment


”This is too much cuteness OO” the soft spoken news anchor comnmented